CATACHRESISThe European Union and Border Conflicts: Catalysis, catachresis: the EU's impact on the Cyprus conflictMetaphor, Catachresis and Equivalence: The Rhetoric of Freedom to Fly in the Struggle over Aviation Policy in the United KingdomMetaphor, catachresis and equivalence: the rhetoric of Freedom to Fly in the struggle over aviation policy in the United Kingdom [Pa...Multiculturalism and the catachresis of otherness: Settling Gypsies, unsettling Gypsy belongings"He and His Man": Allegory and Catachresis in J. M. Coetzee's Nobel LectureCatalysis, catachresis: The EU’s impact on the Cyprus conflictIn Memory of Meishu Film: Catachresis and Metaphor in Theorizing Chinese AnimationKant's Strange Light: Romanticism, Periodicity, and the Catachresis of GeniusColeridge’s Philosophy of Prayer: Responsibility, Parergon, and Catachresis