Embolization in cataclysmal hemorrhage caused by squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck
Shall we return to cataclysmal geology?
A Cataclysmal Line Accompanying the 1978 near Izu-Oshima Earthquake and Disastrous Features by the Largest Aftershock in Izu Peninsula
[Recurrent cataclysmal epistaxis after a cranio-cerebral injury; value of angiography]
Cataclysmal Haemorrhage After Tonsillectomy
A Study of Epidemic Influenza : With Special Reference to the 1936-7 Epidemic.
Embolization and balloon occlusions in tumoral processes: Seven years' experience
Thermally Engraved Gratings using a Giant‐Pulse Laser
Embolisations et occlusions par ballonnets dans les processus tumoraux
Application of Remote Sensing Technique for Disaster Management