- On the next screen, I have to categorise my novel.
Evaluating a Brain-Computer Interface to Categorise Human Emotional Response
A review of terms and definitions to categorise estuaries, lagoons and associated environments.
Impulse oscillometry: an alternative modality to the conventional pulmonary function test to categorise obstructive pulmonary disord...
Futures signals sense-making framework (FSSF): A start-up tool to analyse and categorise weak signals, wild cards, drivers, trends a...
Developing a matrix approach to categorise the social and environmental accounting research literature
Parental Weight (Mis)Perceptions: Factors Influencing Parents’ Ability to Correctly Categorise Their Child’s Weight Status
Learning to represent, categorise and rank in community question answering
Method and system for prescribing and/or dispensing ophthalmic lenses
Validating a nutrient profile model
Document categorisation system