Centennial-scale climate cooling with a sudden cold event around 8,200 years ago.
Gray's Manual of Botany, Eighth (Centennial) Edition
AACR centennial series: the biology of cancer metastasis: historical perspective.
Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease: A Centennial Review
The HadGEM2-ES implementation of CMIP5 centennial simulations
Cyber–Physical Systems: A Perspective at the Centennial
Global distribution of centennial-scale records for Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3: a database
Centennial-scale Holocene climate variability revealed by a high-resolution speleothem delta 18O record from SW Ireland
Cyclic rapid warming on centennial-scale revealed by a 2650-year stalagmite record of warm season temperature
On the fit of models to covariances and methodology to the Bulletin : APA centennial : psychological bulletin's top 10 Hit Parade