qualification certificate资格证书
registration certificate登记证;注册证书;注册证明
certificate of origin[商]原产地证书
inspection certificate检验证明书;检查证明
marriage certificate结婚证书
certificate of quality品质证明书,质量证明书
birth certificate出生证明
health certificate健康证明书
quality certificate品质证明书;技师证明书
deposit certificate银行存款单
certificate of registration注册执照
certificate of approval合格证;批准证明书
certificate authority凭证管理中心;认证授权
business registration certificate商业登记执照
graduation certificate毕业证书
valid certificate有效证书;有效凭证
death certificate死亡证明
acceptance certificate验收证明书
test certificate试验证瞄;汽车(安全性能)证明
identity certificate身份证明书,身份证
Certificated incapacity and unemployment in alcoholics
Certificated sickness absence in industrial employees threatened with redundancy.
Analysis of certificated mobile application for medical education purposes
Certificated System of Good Agriculture Practices as a Tool of Competitiveness in Agribusiness
A forward-secure e-mail protocol without certificated public keys
An investigation of the willingness of UK certificated firms to recommend ISO 9000
A woman’s work is never certificated? How the implementation of nationally recognised training in workplaces helps women get qualif...
Phenolic Content and Radical Scavenging Capacity of Berries and Related Jams from Certificated Area in Serbia
An examination of the effects of human relations training on the attitudes of certificated inservice teachers in Minnesota
Monitoring of Pesticide Residues and Risk Assessment for Cereals and Leafy Vegetables of Certificated and General Agricultural Produ...