Advancements in development and characterization of biodiesel: A reviewNovel advancements in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma in 2008.Micro total analysis systems. Latest advancements and trendsHigh-resolution DNA melting analysis: advancements and limitations.Advancements in the Synthesis and Applications of Cationic N〩eterocycles through Transition Metal〤atalyzed C−H ActivationLlovet JM, Bruix J. Novel advancements in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma in 2008. J Hepatol 48 (Suppl 1):S20-S37Digital signal processing of the phonocardiogram: review of the most recent advancements.Revisiting Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Convergencies, Controversies, and Conceptual AdvancementsIndustrial production of recombinant therapeutics in Escherichia coli and its recent advancements.Technology Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the Active Sensing of CO 2 Emissions over Night...