- I would play a chanson for you in a while, in which I was very skilled.
等一下我送给你们一首曲子,是我拉的最好的喔! - Allow me to dedicate the ancient chanson for you, my dear friend.
Air Bubble Entrainment in Free Surface Turbulent Shear Flow by Hurbert ChansonHydraulic Design of Stepped Cascades, Channels, Weirs and Spillways, by H. ChansonHartman, A. Richard; and Malicote, Sandra C., eds. and trans., Elye of Saint-Gilles: A Chanson de ...Kaleidoscope. Simple chansonAppareil et procede permettant de fournir un service d'accompagnement de chanson/d'interpretation musicale via un terminal sans filCeci n’est pas une chanson d’amour : les multiples visages de la poésie didactiqueCarlos Alvar & Constance Carta (eds.) (2012): "In Limine Romaniae. Chanson de geste et épopée européenne"Status and Trends of Amphibian Declines and Extinctions WorldwideThe status of the world's land and marine mammals: diversity, threat, and knowledgeThe impact of conservation on the status of the world's vertebrates.