Speaking rate of adventitiously deaf male cochlear implant candidatesTranslocation of 14 C in Adventitiously Rooting Calluna vulgaris on PeatVestibulo-ocular reflexes of adventitiously and congenitally blind adults.A perceptual evaluation of the speech of adventitiously deaf adult malesAnnuals sprouting adventitiously from the hypocotyl: their compensatory growth and implications for weed managementStress, coping, and adjustment of adventitiously blind male veterans with and without diabetes mellitusVirus-tested Lycoris aurea plants from apical meristems of adventitiously regenerated shootsReacquisition of contrastive stress in an adventitiously deaf speaker using a single‐channel cochlear implantArticulatory patterns of an adventitiously deaf speaker: implications for the role of auditory information in speech productionSpeaking fundamental frequency, intensity, and rate of adventitiously profoundly hearing-impaired adult women.