Study on Synthesis of Esters of Chillness Resistant Dodecanedioic and Tridecanedioic Acid Plasticizer by Heteropoly Acid(HPA) Cataly...
Analysis on the Image of the "Chillness"in the Bliss
Therapeutic Effects of Tokisigyakukagoshuyushokyoto(TJ-38) on Peripheral Blood Flow in Persons with Feeling Chillness, Hie-sho
Verfahren zur K?lteerzeugung mittels einer mit festen Brennstoffen beheizten Absorptionsk?ltemaschine
Biaxial freely balancing, solar concentrated absorber and storage system for solar generation of heat and/or hybrid current/heat or ...
Air conditioner and control method of the same
Clinical Usefulness of a Database Obtained from the Experience of Physicians Prescribing Herbal Medicines : Report on a Questionnair...
Clinical Usefullness of a Database Obtained from the Experience of Physicians Prescribing Herbal Medicines : Report on a Questionnai...
Thermo massage unit for producing different temperatures for thermo massage, has peltier devices using which unit produces different...