Racing: Chorist Right on the NoteHalf a point, all points, chorist tuner: Tuning forks in Northern Italy c. 1600Dynamic topology implementation and maintenance for the CHORIST networkDynamic topology implementation and maintenance for the CHORIST networkIncreasing Public Safety Communications Interoperability: The CHORIST Broadband and Wideband Rapidly Deployable SystemsIncreasing Public Safety Communications Interoperability: The CHORIST Broadband and Wideband Rapidly Deployable SystemsRearing Glypta fumiferanae [ Hym.: Ichneumonidae ] on a multivoltine laboratory colony of the western spruce budworm ( Choristoneur...Comparative effectiveness of three commercial formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis for control of the spruce budworm, Choristoneur...Présence d'un virus de polyédrose nucléaire (VPN, Baculovirus) et d'un Poxvirus (Poxviridae) dans les populations de Choristoneur...Les répercussions de l’épandage séquentiel de trois insecticides contre la tourdeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette (Choristoneur...