jesus christ耶稣基督
body of christ基督的身体;基督教会的总称
before christ公元前
disciples of christ基督门徒教会
christ child耶稣基督幼年的画像
- Christ's message was that God loved the world.
耶稣基督的启示就是神爱世人。 - The pope is known as the vicar of Christ.
教皇被称做基督的代理者。 - To Christians, Jesus Christ is the Savior.
对基督徒来说,主耶稣是他们的救世主。 - There was christ in the metal shell.
Christ Proclaimed: Christology as Rhetoric. By S.J. Frans Jozek van Beeck New York, Paulist Press, 1979...
Dying and Rising with Christ. A Study in Pauline Theology. By Robert C. Tannehill. Verlag Alfred Töpelm...
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Theory in Practice: Increasing Professional Effectiveness.
Nogo-A is a myelin-associated neurite outgrowth inhibitor and an antigen for monoclonal antibody IN-1
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H1N1 2009 influenza virus infection during pregnancy in the USA.
Christchurch Psychiatric Epidemiology Study, Part I: Methodology and Lifetime Prevalence for Specific Psychiatric Disorders