- Murchison followed with his eye the hand of his chronometer.
莫奇生的眼睛追随着他的时计的秒针。 - James is conversant with chronometer and geography.
Is there a chronometer hidden deep in the Sun?
Thorium in G-dwarf stars as a chronometer for the Galaxy
Clocking the mind: Mental chronometer individual differences.
The Thorium Chronometer in CS 22892–052: Estimates of the Age of the Galaxy
The remarkable Re–Os chronometer in molybdenite: how and why it works
Verification and interpretation of the I-Xe chronometer
The study of molybdenites through the 187 Re- 187 Os chronometer
New half-life measurement of 182Hf: improved chronometer for the early solar system.
Oxygen isotope equilibrium between eclogite minerals and its constraints on mineral Sm-Nd chronometer
Turbulent mixing of metal and silicate during planet accretion — And interpretation of the Hf–W chronometer