Human chylomicron apolipoprotein metabolismHepatic uptake of chylomicron remnantsMetabolic fate of chylomicron phospholipids and apoproteins in the rat.Inhibition of hepatic chylomicron remnant uptake by gene transfer of a receptor antagonistOmega-3 fatty acid supplementation accelerates chylomicron triglyceride clearanceClearance Of Chylomicron Remnants In Normolipidaemic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease: Case Control Study Over Three YearsHepatic uptake of chylomicron remnants in WHHL rabbits: a mechanism genetically distinct from the low density lipoprotein receptorDGAT1 is not essential for intestinal triacylglycerol absorption or chylomicron synthesisBinding of chylomicron remnants and beta-very low density lipoproteins to hepatic and extrahepatic lipoprotein receptors. A process ...Inducible inactivation of hepatic LRP gene by cre-mediated recombination confirms role of LRP in clearance of chylomicron remnants.