An experimentally determined carbon : volume ratio for marine “oligotrichous” ciliates from estuarine and coastal watersThe small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences from the hypotrichous ciliates Oxytricha nova and Stylonychia pustulata....Bacterivory by Flagellates, Ciliates, Rotifers,...Some rumen ciliates have endosymbiotic methanogens.Ciliates?Phylum Ciliophora Doflein 1901? , Protozoan parasites of fishesSize-selective grazing on bacteria by natural assemblages of estuarine flagellates and ciliates.Cell volumes, maximal growth rates of unicellular Algae and Ciliates, and the role of Ciliates in the marine pelagiaEcology of planktonic ciliates in marine food websHigh rates of consumption of bacteria by pelagic ciliatesRotifers as predators on components of the microbial web (bacteria, heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates) — a review