An pediculi, pulices et cimices sunt venena ? L'approche des poux, puces et punaises dans la production "vénénologique"de l'Occid...Apis amphibia, Cicada, Cimex, Cimices sylvestres, Tipulae… The insects now known as Hemiptera, in Ulisse Aldrovandi's De Animalibus...Om en gruppe af gravende Cimices.Zur hygienischen Bedeutung der parasitären Haus- und Vogelwanzen sowie über Wanzenpopulationen und WanzenkreuzungenPest control compositionHigh fasting plasma insulin is an indicator of coronary heart disease in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients and nondiabetic sub...Alias-Free Sampling of Random NoiseSchedule dependency of the antitumor activity and toxicity of polyethylene glycol-modified interleukin 2 in murine tumor modelsThe initiation of coronal mass ejections by newly emerging magnetic fluxMolecular cloning, sequence analysis, and expression of the yeast alcohol acetyltransferase gene.