A survey for circumstellar disks around young stellar objectsCities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic Performance. by Joseph RoachFuture wildfire in circumboreal forests in relation to global warmingAmalgamating eastern Gondwana: The evolution of the Circum-Indian OrogensUS Geological Survey Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal CARA; introduction and summary of organization and methodsCenozoic evolution of Antarctic glaciation the circum-Antarctic Ocean and their impact on global paleoceanographyProtection against malaria by immunization with plasmid DNA encoding circumsporozoite proteinOptical burst switching (OBS)–a new paradigm for an Optical Internettextasciicircum$$1$\$A preliminary evaluation of a recombinant circumsporozoite protein vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum malaria. RTS,S Malaria Vacc...Sea-surface temperature and sea ice distribution of the Southern Ocean at the EPILOG Last Glacial Maximum—a circum-Antarctic view b...