- This is the first form of our encirclement of the enemy.
这是我对于敌的第一种包围。 - The outflow boundary has the sierra encirclement.
Prophylactic encirclement.Umbilical cord encirclement and fetal growth restrictionViewpoint: the academic encirclement of medicine?The Encirclement of Narrative: On Franz Stanzel's Theorie des ErzählensAnal encirclement with polypropylene mesh for rectal prolapse and incontinenceDistributed target localization and encirclement with a multi-robot systemApparatus and method for endoscopic encirclement of pulmonary veins for epicardial ablationUltrasonic diagnosis of nuchal encirclement by the umbilical cord: a case and methodological report.Prenatal color Doppler sonographic evaluation of nuchal encirclement by the umbilical cordThe effect of vascular coiling on venous perfusion during experimental umbilical cord encirclement.