Precancer and cancer in extencive UC. Findings among 401 patients over 22 yearsA phylogenetic analysis of Apocynaceae s.str. and some related taxa in Gentianales. A multidisciplinary approachA tale of two snails: is the cure worse than the disease?Stable Epigenetic Effects Impact Adaptation in Allopolyploid Orchids (Dactylorhiza: Orchidaceae)Kelemen, P. B. & Dick, H. J. B. Focused melt flow and localized deformation in the upper mantle: Juxtaposition of replacive dunite a...Critical Reexamination of Palynological Characters Used to Delimit Asclepiadaceae in Comparison to the Molecular Phylogeny Obtained ...CalFUSE Version 3: A Data Reduction Pipeline for theFar UltravioletSpectroscopic ExplorerRiparian Restoration in the Western United States: Oveview and PerspeciveCalFUSE v3: A Data-Reduction Pipeline for the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic ExplorerPhylogenetic Relationships of Secamonoideae Based on the Plastid Gene matK, Morphology, and Biomechanics