


  • adv.aeronautic, aeronautical 的变形

aeronautic, aeronautical [,εərə'nɔ:tik;-kəl]

  • adj.
    • 航空的;航空学的
    • 飞机(或飞船、气球)驾驶员的


A descriptive analysis of "not aeronautically adaptable"dispositions in the U.S. Navy
Five-factor model facet characteristics of non-aeronautically adaptable military aviators
Aeronautically Inspired Truss To Take Flight In Seattle
The role of aeronautical adaptability in the disqualification of a military flyer
Adrift on the air ocean—the future of air commerce
Aeronautical Development in Australia and its Potential Contributions to the British Commonwealth
Then and Now
Rocket Engines
Some design considerations for a transient load protection system for aeroelastic testing of rocket models in the NAL blowdown tunnel
Rotary-wing vehicle system and methods patent