Sees flip side to Aesculapian authority.The caduceus and the Aesculapian staffTrust, suffering, and the Aesculapian virtues[Of half gods and mortals: Aesculapian authority]The use and abuse of Aesculapian authority in veterinary medicine.The caduceus and the aesculapian staff: ancient eastern origins, evolution, and western parallelsOn the occurrence of the Italian Aesculapian snake, (Camerano, 1891), in Latium (Central Italy)Relics of the Europe's warm past: Phylogeography of the Aesculapian snakeAction Plan for the Conservation of the Aesculapian Snake (Zamenis longissimus) in EuropeFood Habits of the Aesculapian Snake, Elaphe longissima, in Central Italy: Do Arboreal Snakes Eat More Birds than Terrestrial Ones?