- Are your ear-rings clip-ons?
RADIOLUCENT CLIP-ON LIMB POSITIONING SYSTEM FOR X-RAY CASSETTESClip-on optic assemblyDAEDALUS: A versatile usable digital clip-on measuring system for Total StationsClip-on wireless wearable microwave sensor for ambulatory cardiac monitoring.Clip-on Wireless Wearable Microwave Sensor for Ambulatory Cardiac MonitoringCOMPUTER-CONTROLLED MILLING MACHINE FOR PRODUCING LENSES FOR CLIP-ON ACCESSORY OR EYEGLASSESA prospective cohort study of a clip-on fixed functional appliance.Measuring sub-mm structural displacements using QDaedalus: a digital clip-on measuring system developed for total stationsOptimization of a clip-on SQUID current probeA laboratory-built clip-on strain gauge transducer for testing wood.