- The sound of rootsteps seemed to be closing in.
脚步声似乎正在逼近。 - We got quite worried as winter closed in on us.
在严冬逼近时我们非常发愁。 - The sound of mortar-fire seemed to be closing in.
迫击炮声似乎越来越迫近了。 - With Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping close to death, a number of public officials are vying for power.
中国领导人邓小平正在迫近死亡,一大批的政治官员正为权力而竞争着。 - The enemy tried to close about us.
敌人企图包围我们。 - The city was still in the foggy envelopment of the morning.
The occurrence and mass distribution of close-in super-Earths, Neptunes, and Jupiters
The "Close-in"or Ultra High-Risk Model: A Safe and Effective Strategy for Research and Clinical Intervention in Prepsychotic Mental...
Photometric Light Curves and Polarization of Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets
Theoretical Spectra and Light Curves of Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets and Comparison with Data
Interactions of the magnetospheres of stars and close-in giant planets
Tidal Evolution of Close-in Extrasolar Planets
Errata to “Tidal friction in close-in satellites and exoplanets. The Darwin theory re-visited”
Exploring The Frequency Of Close-In Jovian Planets Around M Dwarfs
On the Period Distribution of Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets
On the Radii of Close-in Giant Planets