CloseoutCloseoutCloseoutCooled dual wall liner closeoutCounterparty Risk Pricing: Impact Of Closeout And First-To-Default TimesThe closeout process for a clinical trial terminated early for lagging enrollment and inadequate follow-up.Shielding Effectiveness and Closeout Methods for Composite Spacecraft Structural PanelsDerivatives and systemic risk: Netting, collateral, and closeoutCloseout of four phase II Vanguard trials and patient rollover into a large international phase III HIV clinical endpoint trialDangers of Bilateral Counterparty Risk: The Fundamental Impact of Closeout ConventionsDangers of Bilateral Counterparty Risk: the fundamental impact of closeout conventionsDecommissioning of Facilities for Mining and Milling of Radioactive Ores and Closeout of ResiduesCounterparty Risk FAQ: Credit VaR, PFE, CVA, DVA, Closeout, Netting, Collateral, Re-Hypothecation, WWR, Basel, Funding, CCDS and Mar...