用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- close a bag收紧袋子
- close a bargain成交
- close a channel封闭航道
- close a door关门
- close a drawer关上抽屉
- close a gap弥合缺口
- close a hole填穴
- close a lid盖盖儿
- close a road关闭公路
- close a sale成交
- close a school关闭学校
- close a window关窗户
- close a wound缝合伤口
- close airport关闭机场
- close an account结账
- close an agreement达成协议
- close an entrance关闭出口
- close an incision缝合伤口
- close border关闭边界
- close business停业
- close circuit television闭路电视
- close factory关闭工厂
- close gate关上大门
- close lid of a box关上箱子盖
- close lips闭上双唇
- close mine关闭矿井
- close museum停止开放博物馆
- close newspaper关闭报馆
- close one's eyes to the fact闭眼不看事实
- close one's face遮住脸
- close one's mouth闭住嘴
- close one's parent's eyes给父母送终
- close one's purse不出钱
- close public building关闭公用建筑物
- close restaurant餐厅停止营业
- close shop关闭商店
- close the bridge此桥禁止通行
- close the cracks添补裂缝
- close the office停止办公
- close the street封闭道路
- close a debate宣布辩论结束
- close a meeting结束会议
- close a speech结束演讲
- close lecture结束讲课
- close letter写信收尾
- close one's career结束自己的事业
- close one's day死
- close reception结束招待会
~+副词- close well易关
- close abruptly突然终止
- close completely完全关闭
- close easily容易关上
- close firmly牢牢地关闭
- close lazily懒散地关着
- close securely紧闭
- close suddenly突然关上
- close temporarily暂时关闭
- close tightly紧闭
- close victoriously胜利闭幕
- close down关闭
- close in迫近,(日)渐短,来临
- close in from all directions从四面八方围拢来
- close off结账,关闭,封闭
- close off the area to all traffic断绝该地区的一切交通
- close out销售,抛售,拦住
- close out stock of goods卖完存货
- close out the flooding water(水坝)拦住洪水
- close over淹没
- close round包围,围住
- close together靠近,靠拢
- close up(商店)关门,倒闭,(人群)靠拢,密集,(人)不开口,合起来
- close up an opening填塞裂缝
~+介词- close about〔around〕包围,围住
- close against禁止
- close upon包围
- close with与…短兵相接,接受,同意
- close with an offer以给出的价格成交
- close with the enemy与敌人搏斗
用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- close analysis周密的分析
- close atmosphere闷热的空气
- close attention密切注意
- close box关紧的盒子
- close buyer专买便宜货的人
- close coat紧身衣服
- close confinement严密监控
- close contest难分胜负的竞争
- close copy精密的复写
- close decision难作的决定
- close description简要的描述
- close disposition不坦率的性格
- close district势均力敌的选举战
- close friends密友
- close game势均力敌的比赛
- close joint密缝
- close lid闭合的盖子
- close match不相上下的比赛
- close meeting不公开的会议
- close neighbor近邻
- close planting密植
- close prisoner严密监禁的囚犯
- close quarters近距离
- close questioning严格的盘查
- close range近距离
- close reading仔细研读
- close relationship密切的关系
- close relative近亲
- close room不通气的房间
- close translation紧扣原文的翻译
- close weather闷热的天气
~+介词- close against紧贴,紧靠
- close at hand就在眼前,就在旁边
- close by在…附近
- close to接近于,在…附近
- close with one's money用钱吝啬
用作副词 (adv.)
动词+~- come close走近,接近
- fit close吻合
- follow close紧跟
- keep close藏起来
- lie close藏起来
- press sb close紧逼某人
- run sb close紧紧盯住某人
- sit close坐拢
- stand close站拢
~+介词- close by在…附近
- close on接近,差不多
- close to接近,大约
- close to home中肯
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- break sb's close侵入某人的领地
- bring to a close结束
- come to a close结束
- draw to a close渐渐结束
介词+~- after the close结束后
- at the close结束时
- before the close结束前
- near a close行将结束
- towards the close即将结束
pay close attention to密切注意
close contact近距离接触;紧密接触
so close如此亲密;如此贴近
close at hand adv. 就在眼前;在附近
close connection紧密联系
close friend密友,亲密的朋友
close to home触到痛处;说得太露骨
close in包围;迫近;(白昼)渐短
close the door关门
close down关闭;停止播音
get close接近;靠近;靠拢过来
close by adv. 在附近;接近于;在…近旁
close with vt. 靠近;接受;答应;以…结束
close up关闭;愈合;靠近
the close of结尾时;末期
close proximity极为贴近
come close接近
close on接近;渐渐赶上
close the window关窗户;把窗户关上;关窗
close all关闭所有;全部关闭
- If you close your eyes, you can't see anything.
如果你闭上眼睛,就什么也看不见了。 - The road was closed to traffic for two days.
这条路已经封路两天了。 - The hospital closed at the end of last year.
这所医院去年年底关闭。 - He closed his speech with a funny joke.
他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。 - Shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p.
股价从476便士猛涨到收盘536便士。 - These measures are aimed at closing the gap between the rich and the poor.
这些措施旨在缩小贫富差距。 - She closed her hand over his.
她牢牢抓住他的手不放。 - Management closed ranks and ostracized the troublemaker.
管理员使队伍靠拢,将捣乱者清除出去 - Tim seemed to make up his mind to close with this proposal.
- I believe you and he were very close friends.
我相信你和他是亲密无间的朋友。 - The church is close to the school.
教堂在学校附近。 - They felt something close to despair.
他们几乎有一种绝望的感觉。 - There is nothing for it but to keep her under close watch.
没有任何别的办法,只好把她置于严密的监视之下。 - This close italic print is very hard on the eyes.
看这种排得很紧的斜体字,很伤人的眼睛。 - She kept close about the information and none found out.
她对这个信息守口如瓶,没有人发现。 - She's always been very close with her money.
她用钱总是很吝啬。 - It was a close match. But you deserved to win, and you did.
- They live quite close.
他们住得很近. - He came close but she drew back.
他一步步靠近,而她却一步步向后退。 - The girl pressed close to her mother.
- He soon brought the meeting to a close.
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