Decreasedheart rate variability and its association with increased mortality afer myocardial in farctionPhytochemical constituents and antioxidant activities of aqueous and methanol stem extracts of Costus afer Ker Gawl. (Costaceae).Antibody response and opsonization afer pneumococcal vaccination in splenectomized children and healthy personsPlasma levels and urinary excretion of disodium cromoglycate afer inhalation by human volunteersSeasonal dynamics in the trophic status of Papyrocranus afer (Gunther, 1868) (Notopteridae) in a Nigerian rainforest streamPternistes afer var. angolensis Bocage, 1893 (Aves) ruled a lapsus calami for Pternistes afer var. benguellensis Bocage, 1893Augustinus afer. Saint Augustin. Africanité et universalité. Actes du colloque international Alger-Annaba, 1...Buoyancy-driven heat transfer enhancement in a two-dimensional enclosure utilizing nanofluidsA critical synthesis of thermophysical characteristics of nanofluidsMethod for caching and delivery of compressed content in a content delivery network