CLOVE HITCHThe modified clove hitch: a technique to maintain endotracheal tube position in the intubated patient[Application of clove hitch in thoracic surgery].What serves a clove hitch? Reflections on the functions of artificial and natural designs in a world without functionsMethod for placing a rope in a target shape and its application to a clove hitchA clove-hitch suture method for small-caliber tendon ends.What use a clove hitch? Reflections on the operation of artifacts and bodies in a world without functionManagement of Scleral Fixation Intra–Ocular Lens With Clove Hitch Knot Using Small Gauge VitrectomyClove hitch knot for scleral fixation of dislocated IOL - with temporary externalization of the haptics through a clear cornea incis...Knot Tying Lessons: The Clove Hitch