- I seem to be suffering from clumsiness lately.
最近我似乎显得很笨拙。 - How will everyone act to your clumsiness?
Clumsiness in autism and AS: a further report
Handedness, clumsiness and cognitive ability.
Clumsiness in autism and Asperger syndrome: a further report.
Concomitants of Clumsiness in Young Schoolchildren
Clumsiness in Children-Do they Grow out Of It? A 10-Year Follow-Up Study
Clumsiness and perceptual problems in children with specific language impairment.
Attention deficits and clumsiness in Swedish 7-year-old children.
Clumsiness in adolescence: Educational, motor, and social outcomes of motor delay detected at 5 years.
Coping with clumsiness in the school playground: Social and physical play in children with coordination impairments