CoagulatorCoagulatorBipolar coagulator with automatic thermocontrol. Technical noteClinical applications of the argon plasma coagulatorMicrowave surgery: hepatectomy using a microwave tissue coagulator.Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with a microwave tissue coagulator for small renal tumor.Large sessile colonic adenomas: use of argon plasma coagulator to supplement piecemeal snare polypectomy ☆ ☆☆Prospective comparison of argon plasma coagulator and heater probe in the endoscopic treatment of major peptic ulcer bleeding (see c...Studies on coagulation and the development of an automatic computerized bipolar coagulator. Technical noteTotal laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy using the argon-beam coagulator: pilot data and comparison to la...