Coccygeal pits.Coccygeal movement: Assessment with dynamic MRIThe use of coccygeal discs to study intervertebral disc metabolismBody height estimation based on dimensions of sacral and coccygeal vertebraeHuman mesenchymal stem cells implantation into the degenerated coccygeal disc of the rat[Radical treatment of patients with acute inflammation of epithelial coccygeal cysts]Causes and mechanisms of common coccydynia: role of body mass index and coccygeal trauma.Idiopathic coccygodynia. Lateral roentgenograms in the sitting position and coccygeal discographyMASP1 mutations in patients with facial, umbilical, coccygeal, and auditory findings of Carnevale, Malpuech, OSA, and Michels syndro...Central projections of spinal dorsal roots in the monkey. II. Lower thoracic, lumbosarcral and coccygeal dorsal roots