- The cockatiel is in the same subfamily (Cacatuinae) as the larger cockatoo.
CockatoosCockatoosCockatoosThe evolutionary history of cockatoos (Aves: Psittaciformes: Cacatuidae)Biochemical Systematics of the Australian Cockatoos (Psittaciformes: Cacatuinae)Characterization of a new virus from cockatoos with psittacine beak and feather disease.Feather and beak dystrophy and necrosis in cockatoos: clinicopathologic evaluationsDisposition and Analgesic Effects of Fentanyl in White Cockatoos (Cacatua alba)Hematologic and Serum Biochemical Reference Intervals in Juvenile CockatoosThe Availability of Tree Hollows for Use as Nest Sites by White-tailed Black CockatoosRelationships among the Australo-Papuan Parrots, Lorikeets, and Cockatoos (Aves: Psittaciformes): Protein EvidenceThe availability and dimensions of tree hollows that provide nest sites for cockatoos (Psittaciformes) in Western AustraliaDetermination of the ED50 of isoflurane and evaluation of the isoflurane-sparing effect of butorphanol in cockatoos (Cacatua spp.).