Cockeye.COCKEYECOCKEYEBacteria Associated with Urinary Tract Infections in Pregnant and Non-pregnant Women and Their Anti-biogram CitationAntimicrobial Profile of Bacteria Associated with Urinary Schistosomiasis in Enwan Community, Edo State, Nigeria CitationVIRTUAL IMAGE DISPLAY FOR COCKEYE TRAININGVIRTUAL IMAGE DISPLAY FOR COCKEYE TRAININGEffect of synchronous cosmetic surgery of commonly horizontal cockeye and double eyelidis on esthetical faceExperimental Melville: `Cockeye-doodle-dee!'COMBINED BUCKLE AND COCKEYETHE FISH SCUPPER SCANDAL; Captain Cockeye Calls for an 80% Cut in EU QuotasCockeye degree meter and its measuring instrumentAunt Cockeye