
  • n. (Cocus)人名;(法)科屈斯



  • n.(Greek mythology) one of the Titans



Cocus nucifera 有机椰子油 ; 椰子

cocus pyogenesis化脓性球菌

B&B Il Cocus考克斯家庭旅馆

Cocus Financial Group Company Limited 香港联富金融集团 ; 联富金融集团有限公司



Improvement of Mechanical Properties of Coir Fiber (Cocus nucifera) with 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate (HEMA) by Photocuring
Sistema integrado de extração do epicarpo, mesocarpo e endocarpo de coco (cocus nucifera l.), e extração de água de coco de fru...
Detachment Characteristics and Oxacillin Resistance of Staphyloccocus aureus Biofilm Emboli in an In Vitro Catheter Infection Model
Emergence and characterization of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphyloccocus aureus infections in Denmark, 1999 to 20...
Pore formation by a two-component leukocidin from Staphyloccocus aureus within the membrane of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes
The Value of Plasmid Profiles for Strain Identification in Lactic Streptococci and the Relationship between Streptoccocus lactis 712...
Deinoccocus radiodurans: getting a better fix on DNA repair
Strain-dependent disruption of blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier by Streptoccocus suis in vitro
Expression of plectasin in Pichia pastoris and its characterization as a new antimicrobial peptide against Staphyloccocus and Stre...
Abnormal Autolytic Enzyme in a Pneumococcus with Altered Teichoic Acid Composition