- A blue-spotted rock codfish and a school of smaller fish swim over the sunken hull of the ill-fated Spanish merchant galleon San Diego.
一条带有蓝色斑点的岩石鳕鱼和一群小鱼在不幸沉没的西班牙商船圣地亚哥号的船体上游动。 - The codfish were so plentiful there that when the sailors had lowered baskets into the water and hoisted them up, they were full of squirming, silvery fish.
Codfish allergy in adults. Identification and diagnosis.
Codfish allergy in adults: IgE cross-reactivity among fish species.
The effects of gastric digestion on codfish allergenicity
Codfish allergy in adults. Specific tests for IgE and histamine release vs double‐blind, placeboヽontrolled challenges
Incomplete digestion of codfish represents a risk factor for anaphylaxis in patients with allergy.
The radioallergosorbent test with a purified allergen from codfish
Characterization of a collagen from codfish skin containing three chromatographically different alpha chains
Physico-chemical properties and specific activity of a purified allergen (codfish)
Characterization of parvalbumin, the major allergen in Alaska pollack, and comparison with codfish Allergen M