- The cod was salted away for future use.
鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。 - He bought a canned cod and a sandwich as supper.
Plankton effect on cod recruitment in the North Sea.
Cod liver oil alters platelet-arterial wall response to injury in pigs.
Trophic cascades in a formerly cod-dominated ecosystem.
Use of cod liver oil during pregnancy associated with lower risk of Type I diabetes in the offspring
Effects of dietary supplementation with cod-liver oil on endothelium-dependent responses in porcine coronary arteries.
Maturation trends indicative of rapid evolution preceded the collapse of northern cod.
Genetic population structure and gene flow in the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua: a comparison of allozyme and nuclear RFLP loci.
Fine-scaled geographical population structuring in a highly mobile marine species: the Atlantic cod.
The product of the yeast UPF1 gene is required for rapid turnover of mRNAs containing a premature translational termination codon.
Familial adenomatous polyposis: desmoid tumours and lack of ophthalmic lesions (CHRPE) associated with APC mutations beyond codon 14...