- Walk pass this col, and you can find a cliff standing erect right in front of you.
转过这个山口,只见一面峭壁笔立眼前。 - There are a lot of winding footpaths in the col.
A colony bank containing synthetic Col El hybrid plasmids representative of the entire E. coli genome.
Nature of Col E 1 plasmid replication in Escherichia coli in the presence of the chloramphenicol
História das ideias pedagógicas no Brasil (Col. Memória da Educação)
Chlebowski RT, Col N, Winer EP, Collyar DE, Cummings SR, Vogel III VG et al.. American Society of Clinical Oncology technology asses...
^^10070_300-1000^^Differential expression of microRNAs in plasma of patients with colorectal cancer: a potential marker for colorect...
Glutathione-dependent synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides. Purification and characterization of glutaredoxin from Escherichia coli
GroE heat-shock proteins promote assembly of foreign prokaryotic ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oligomers in Escherichia coli.
A prospective randomized trial of regional versus systemic continuous 5-fluorodeoxyuridine chemotherapy in the treatment of colorect...
Stuehr DJ and Marletta MA. Mammalian biosynthesis: Mouse macrophages produce nitrite and nitrate in response to Escherichia coli lip...
Kang MR, Kim MS, Oh JE, et al. Frame shift mutations of autophagy-related genes ATG2B, ATG5, ATG9B and ATG12 in gastric and colorect...