- They lead a busy and colourful life on the campus.
他们在大学里过着忙碌而又丰富多彩的生活。 - The sky is often very colourful, if you look at it every day it can produce amazing and complex ranges of different colours.
Colourful objects through animal eyes
The colourful world of the mantis shrimp
Colourful male guppies produce faster and more viable sperm.
Colourful coexistence of red and green picocyanobacteria in lakes and seas
Sperm of colourful males are better protected against oxidative stress
Mimicking the colourful wing scale structure of the Papilio blumei butterfly
Female house finches prefer colourful males: sexual selection for a condition-dependent trait
The Danube so colourful: A potpourri of plastic litter outnumbers fish larvae in Europe's second largest river
On the function of female ornaments: male bluethroats prefer colourful females
The physiological costs of being colourful: nutritional control of carotenoid utilization in the American goldfinch, Carduelis tristis