用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- vivid colors鲜艳的色彩
- vivid description生动的描述
- vivid green鲜绿色
- vivid imagination活跃的想象力
~+介词- vivid in sb's memory记得清清楚楚
- vivid with life生气勃勃
vivid description生动的描述;生动的报导
vivid picture逼真模式;栩栩如生的描写
vivid green翡翠绿
picturesque, lively, vivid, pictorial
diverse, vivid, alive, mobile
vivid (记忆,描述)清晰的, 逼真的,(光,颜色)鲜艳的,耀眼的
- This place conjures up vivid memories.
这个地方使人回忆起许多生动的往事。 - My daughter is a child with vivid imagination.
我女儿是一个想象力活跃的孩子。 - This girl gave a vivid description of the event.
那女孩对这件事作了一番生动的描述。 - Only the vivid red hair ever stood out.
只有鲜艳的红头发非常令人注目。 - The actresses were wearing vivid historical costumes.
女演员们穿着鲜艳的古装。 - The new varieties have very vivid designs and beautiful colors.
那新产品图案新颖,色泽鲜艳。 - Television presents a vivid world in front of us.
电视在我们面前展示出一个栩栩如生的世界。 - Dickens'novels are full of vivid characterization.
狄更斯的小说中充满了栩栩如生的人物形象。 - The sculpture is really very vivid.
Vivid memories
Vivid memories.
Momentous events, vivid memories.
VIVID is a flavoprotein and serves as a fungal blue light photoreceptor for photoadaptation
Conformational switching in the fungal light sensor Vivid
Anatomical origin of deja vu and vivid 'memories' in human temporal lobe epilepsy.
Autobiographical memories become less vivid and emotional after eye movements
Anatomical origin of déjà vu and vivid 'memories' in human temporal lobe epilepsy
The PAS protein VIVID defines a clock-associated feedback loop that represses light input, modulates gating, and regulates clock res...
Individual differences in the phenomenology of mental time travel: The effect of vivid visual imagery and emotion regulation strateg...