- Our choices come down to ging or staying.
我们的选择可归结为是去还是留的问题。 - The issue really boils down to a clash between left and right.
A necessary and sufficient condition for the $Lambda$-coalescent to come down from infinity.
A necessary and sufficient condition for the -coalescent to come down from the infinity.
Prelude to a Catastrophe: "The Only Way It Can Stabilize is to Come Down"
ERCP cannulation may come down to the wire.
Heroin smoking by “chasing the dragon” in young opiate users in Ireland: stability and associations with use to “come down” off ...
Come down to the Teaching but Higher than It——My Outlook on the Mathematical Teaching
Does it all come down to postnatal aging of the primary oocyte?
Cultural adaptation of mountainous people who have come down to the flatland
A necessary and su±cient condition for the ¤coalescent to come down from inˉnity
Noradrenaline levels rise significantly in rat arterial grafts at 6 hours postoperatively, and take 48 hours to come down