Catalogue of cometary orbitsCometary Delivery of Organic Molecules to the Early EarthCometary glycine detected in samples returned by StardustStudies of proton-irradiated cometary-type ice mixturesOrganic Compounds Produced by Photolysis of Realistic Interstellar and Cometary Ice Analogs Containing MethanolNew molecules found in comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp). Investigating the link between cometary and interstellar materialCondensation and vaporization behavior of H/sub 2/O:CO ices and implications for interstellar grains and cometary activityThe condensation and vaporization behavior of H 2 O: CO ices and implications for interstellar grains and cometary activityA survey of bimolecular ion-molecule reactions for use in modeling the chemistry of planetary atmospheres, cometary comae, and inter...Evaluated Bimolecular Ion‐Molecule Gas Phase Kinetics of Positive Ions for Use in Modeling Planetary Atmospheres, Cometary Comae, a...