After Hours
After Hours
After Hours
The after-hours mutant reveals a role for Fbxl3 in determining mammalian circadian period. Science
The Use of Communication Technologies After Hours: The Role of Work Attitudes and Work-Life Conflict
Price Discovery and Trading after Hours
After-hours colorectal surgery: a risk factor for anastomotic leakage
Heteronormativity in Action: Reproducing the Heterosexual Nuclear Family in After-hours Medical Calls
A systematic review of the effect of different models of after-hours primary medical care services on clinical outcome, medical work...
After-hours telephone coverage: the application of an area-wide telephone triage and advice system for pediatric practices.
After-Hours Telecommuting and Work-Family Conflict: A Comparative Analysis
Quality of after-hours primary care in the Netherlands: adherence to national guidelines
Liquidity Externalities and Adverse Selection: Evidence from Trading after Hours