用作动词 (v.)
~+副词- compete actively积极地竞争
- compete highly很有能力
- compete honestly正直地竞争
- compete perfectly完全有能力
- compete successfully比赛优胜
- compete sufficiently足以胜任
- compete thoroughly绝对有能力
~+介词- compete against与…进行竞争
- compete as作为…称职
- compete at在…方面胜任
- compete for争夺
- compete for championship争夺冠军
- compete for the novel竞相购买小说
- compete for the post争夺职位,能胜任此职
- compete for the scholarship争夺助学金
- compete for space争夺空间
- compete for sb's work工作称职
- compete in在…方面竞争,在…方面胜任
- compete in a contest参加比赛
- compete in one's field胜任自己的专业
- compete to the task能胜任…工作
- compete with同…竞争
- compete with each other竞相争夺
contend, rival, contest, compete
rival, compete
rival vt. vi. 比得上,堪与…..竞争;
compete vi (with/in)与……竞争
- Companies must be able to compete in the marketplace.
公司一定要在市场中有竞争力。 - Several companies are competing for the contract.
几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争。 - We can compete with the best teams.
我们能与最好的队竞争。 - He's hoping to compete in the London marathon.
The Knowledge Link: How Firms Compete Through Strategic Alliances by Joseph L. Badaracco,
...Shy Away From Competition? Do Men Compete Too ...
How to Compete: The Impact of Workplace Practices and Information Technology on Productivity
”Coopetition” in Business Networks—to Cooperate and Compete Simultaneously
Choosing How to Compete: Strategies and Tactics in Standardization
Learning to Compete in a Transition Economy: Experience, Environment, and Performance
R&D Investment in Clean Technology: Compete, Cooperate, or Merge?
Twenty-Four EU Countries Sign Artificial Intelligence Pact in Bid to Compete With U.S. & China
Salesforce Buys A Startup For $326 Million To Compete With Its Latest Investment Seesmic
Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Exploits Inflammation to Compete with the Intestinal Microbiota