- No cedant may countervail the expenses or incomes formed by the relevant original insurance contracts with the incomes or expenses formed by the reinsurance contracts.
H.P. MINSKY AND POLICIES TO COUNTERVAIL CRISESCan Cocoa Farmer Organizations Countervail Buyer Market Power?CANADIAN FARM INCOME SAFETY NETS AND U.S. COUNTERVAIL LAWMahinda Rajapaksa's India Policy: Engage and CountervailEconomic issues in the U.S. countervail case against Canadian hogs and pork.Domestic Subsidies and Countervail: The Treacherous Ground of the Level Playing FieldThe National Tripartite Stabilization Program and the U.S. Countervail Duty on Hogs and PorkWhen does inferring reputation probability countervail temptation in cooperative behaviors for the prisoners’ dilemma game?Empowerment, Deliberative Development, and Local-Level Politics in Indonesia: Participatory Projects as a Source of Countervailing P...Need for a Robust Response to Chinese Currency Manipulation - Policy Options for the Obama Administration including Countervailing C...