- The dish can be served with apple compote or vanilla sauce.
这道菜可以和苹果泥或是拌以香草汁食用。 - Place fruit in a pedestal bowl or mixed nuts in a compote dish for a new look.
The Fozzy Parallel Compote Model of Fuzzy Logic Language
Amanda Freitag's Buttermilk Pancakes with Quince Compote
Determination of patulin in fruit juices and compote of apple and pear
The effect of processing on the vitamin C in peach compote, preserve and jam destined for the retail
Partial substitution of sugars by the low-calorie sweetener sucralose in peach compote.
Comparative Analysis of the Quality of Fruit, Fresh and Processed as Compote, of certain Cherry Tree Cultivars
Evaluation of adherence by elderly nursing home patients to regular consumption of apple compote enriched with protein and soluble f...
Feasibility study for stablishing of a semi-industrial factory of cashew (anacardium occidentale L.) apple compote in Zulia State
La stimulation du noyau sous-thalamique réduit la motivation pour la cocaïne sans affecter l’intérêt pour la compote chez le si...