- I don't like Mrs Smith; she's condescending.
我不喜欢史密斯夫人,她总是自以为高人一等。 - His condescending attitude really gets my back up.
他那种居高临下的恩赐态度实在使我很生气。 - Penny's condescending manner really gets under my skin.
Jindal's Condescending Response Elicits Douchechills
Condescending ethics and action researchExtended review article
Resisting Condescending Research Ethics in Aotearoa New Zealand
A Query About Li Bai "Not Condescending to Take the Imperial Examinations
How should a nurse stand up to a doc who is condescending?
Weight stigma in frequent exercisers: Overt, demeaning and condescending.
THE POWER OF INSULTS A study of condescending linguistic strategies in four English online discussion forums
Arrogant, Condescending, Pretentious? MOVE ON, SCOTLAND; SIX NATIONS COUNTDOWN THREE DAYS TO GO; England Hit Back at 'Boring' Telfer...
Confronting Condescending Ethics: How Community-Based Research Challenges Traditional Approaches to Consent, Confidentiality, and Ca...
Can financial insecurity and condescending treatment explain the higher prevalence of poor self-rated health in women than in men? A...