- He saw before him a flight of agate steps.
他看到前面有一段玛瑙做的台阶。 - Persian magicians used agate to divert storms.
Field trip; Cedar Mountains agate
Moss agate and other filamentous mineral aggregates; fossil record of the subsurface biosphere?
Rosebud County moss agate; carefree collecting on the banks of the Yellowstone River
Decolorizing dye wastewater from the agate industry with Fenton oxidation process
The nature of water in chalcedony and opal-C from brazilian agate geodes
Geology and fluid inclusion studies of the Thunder Bay agate mine, northeastern Ontario
The restricting factors and countermeasures about agate industry cluster development in Fuxin
Fortress Wall Defense of the Qing Dynasty——Taking Fenggang Agate Hill Ruins in Gui Zhou as the Center
Occurrence and distribution of “moganite” in agate/chalcedony: a combined micro-Raman, Rietveld, and cathodoluminescence study
Discovery of a significant geographic extension of the Agate Spring fossil mammal beds (upper Harrison, Peterson 1907) in southeaste...