- The criminals could not have escaped without your connivance.
囚犯没有你的默契配合,是逃不掉的。 - He was accused of connivance in the riot.
他被指控在暴动上的纵容。 - The crime was committed with the connivance of a police officer.
这项罪行是在警察的纵容下发生的。 - He tried to bribe the police into connivance.
Diplomacy of Connivance
African and American Connivance in Congo-Zaire
Several Questions about the Law of Connivance and Hide-up against Gang Organization
The Syrian Baath Party and Sunni Islam: Conflicts and Connivance
Unethical Accounting Practices in Connivance with Top Management: A Case Study of Satyam
The Lies and Connivances of an Evil Woman: Early Meiji Realism and "The Tale of Takahashi Oden the She-Devil"
Re-Territorialising and Re-Centering Empires: The Connivance of Law and Geography
When pathways collide: collaboration and connivance among signalling proteins in development.
Camouflage, Contravention or Connivance: Towards an Evaluation of Development Control in Bendel State, Nigeria
Coalinga Chrysotile - The Case of the Missing “Asbestos Study”: Corporate Connivance or Plaintiff Ploy?