contagiumcontagiumVirology: From contagium fluidum to viromeBeobachtungen über das MaserncontagiumOver een Contagium vivum fluidum als oorzaak van de Vlekziekte der TabaksbladenUeber ein Contagium vivum fluidum als Ursache der Fleckenkrankheit der TabaksblätterConcerning a contagium vivum fluidum as cause of the spot disease of tobacco leavesJOHN CRAWFORD AND HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE DOCTRINE OF CONTAGIUM VIVUMA corner of history ☆ : Contagium vivum and the development of water filtration: The beginning of the sanitary movementA Linnaean thesis concerning Contagium vivum: the 'Exanthemata viva' of John Nyander and its place in contemporary thought.