enter controversially带有争论性地讨论
SosaysStephenHawking,the world-famousphysicistwhocontroversiallyarguesin anew bookthatGoddid notcreatethe universe.
Theologyisunnecessary.SosaysStephenHawking,the world-famousphysicistwhocontroversiallyarguesin anew bookthatGoddid notcreatethe universe.
ThenverycontroversiallyDescartessays, okay I'vegotonebit ofcertaintyherebutI'mthinkingthatIexist,can'tIlook atthevatinstanceofcertaintyanddrawageneralrule from it.
Combining high biodiversity with high yields in tropical agroforests [Sustainability Science]
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Influence of body position on jugular venous oxygen saturation, intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure.
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