- This talent no longer reduces the cooldown of Sprint.
这个天赋不再减少急跑得冷却时间。 - It has its own cooldown, missile, damage and damage over time and is automatically cast on every enemy in range.
Cooldown Transients in Cryogenic Transfer Lines
Passive cooldown performance of a 65 MW integral reactor
120 Hz pulse tube cryocooler for fast cooldown to 50 K
MiniGRAIL progress report 2001: the first cooldown
120 Hz pulse tube cryocooler for fast cooldown to 50 K
Simulation and analysis of transient cooldown natural convection experiments
Microprocessor controlled lamp flashing system with cooldown protection
Accident management following loss-of-coolant accidents during cooldown in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR
Thermal response of a modular high temperature reactor during passive cooldown under pressurized and depressurized conditions
Fabrication of freestanding 2″‐GaN wafers by hydride vapour phase epitaxy and self‐separation during cooldown