Coronal suture pathology and synostotic progression in rabbits with congenital craniosynostosisCompensatory growth following premature closure of the coronal suture in rabbitsGrowth of the cranial vault in rabbits with congenital coronal suture synostosis.Premature closure of the frontosphenoidal suture in synostosis of the coronal suturePremature closure of the frontosphenoidal suture in synostosis of the coronal suture.A rabbit model of human familial, nonsyndromic unicoronal suture synostosis. I. Synostotic onset, pathology, and sutural growth patt...Effect of tensile mechanical stress on the synthesis of metalloproteinases by rabbit coronal sutures in vitro.A rabbit model of human familial, nonsyndromic unicoronal suture synostosis. II. Intracranial contents, intracranial volume, and int...Expression patterns of Twist and Fgfr1, -2 and -3 in the developing mouse coronal suture suggest a key role for twist in suture init...Development of a strain of rabbits with congenital simple nonsyndromic coronal suture synostosis. Part I: Breeding demographics, inh...